Choose one of the idioms below and teall us a story related to it. What exactly happened? When and where did it happen? Who was involved? Why is this idiom appropriate?



It never rains but it pours.
ReplyDeleteNovember 1993, In Nepal, three students were about to be the youngest people to climb the Everest. They were all 17 years old and they would try to climb it in less than a month. On their way to the mountain, which was by car, they crashed the car on a tree, which the driver did not see, because he was giving suggestions to the students. Nobody was hurt, but the car didn’t seem to work. So, with no ways of transport, 5 miles away from their destiny, they decided to walk.
No more than five minutes later, there was a terrible and windy snowstorm, and they were forced to stop for a while. They waited up to five hours, until the storm stopped. It finally did, and they took their rout again.
And then, when they walked around 2 miles, there was a small mountain on their way. In order to get past of it, they had to climb. So they did, but it wasn’t fast, neither easy. They had to sleep on the top of the could mountain, because to climb down to the other side it would take them five hours, and it was too late. The following morning, they finally got to their destination. They walked the five miles. However… There was no Everest there, and when they checked the map, they figured out that they were taking the wrong path. The small mountain they climbed was the beginning of Everest. They called, using a radio, someone to catch them, because they didn’t want to go back again.
I have chosen this idiom because it was the easiest.
Matheus M, Plus 4.
ReplyDeleteThere is one year a group of very famous dance invited me to attend a workshop in New York without paying.The e-mail they sent me everything was informed (time of flight, the hotel ...), they only asked for my confirmation that my ticket was printed and sent me.
Very happy, I was just buying clothes, shoes and everything I thought necessary.
The day was marked in the email (missing two days before the workshop start) I went to the airport to catch my flight. When I was doing all the checking of the documents I realized that was not with the passage and I remembered that he had been sending the confirmation of my presence, which I did not. Desperate, I ran to the balcony to see if he still had some way at the time, because I would buy, could not miss this opportunity. But the attendant informed me that he had just sold the last ticket to a lady, which he showed me who was. I, with much shame, was just talking to her. I explained the whole story and practically begged for its passage. The girl,very friendly staff told me that she had no problem selling me that way and catch a flight the other day, since there was no longer sure if that was what she should do, get away from some problems.I was almost in shock I am deeply thankful to the girl and ran for the board that was about to be closed.
I took the plane and getting there I decided all my communication problems with such a distinguished group, which I repaid the money pass.
The trip was wonderful, I learned things very interesting as well as realize a dream, which was made possible through the help of a very kind lady.
Fernanda Gomes, Plus 4.
ReplyDeleteOne day, I woke up really early because I had to do a very important test. The day before it, I couldn’t sleep because there was a party on the apartment above mine and the sound was extremely loud.
That day, my mum couldn’t take me to the school so I need to walk 7 miles, but in the middle of the path it started to rain. I hadn’t brought my umbrella because it was a beautiful sunny day, so I had to wait the rain to stop. When I arrived Sigma, my school, I was exhausted.
When I received the test, I realized that I had studied the wrong subject and I didn’t know anything about what were asked. To make matter’s worse that was a composition for me to do and I remembered that I hate making compositions. After a long time thinking and making up answerer to the questions, I finished my test at 1:30 pm. After that day I thought that my grade would be terrible and I wanted to kill myself. I tried to get relaxed but I couldn’t. That test made my overreact. I was really depressed with it, because my historical was perfect.
Long time passed and when I received the grade I was surprised. Luckily I had answered right most of the questions. I was very happy and one day after I received my composition. To my surprise the teacher loved my storied and she gave me 9. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. After that episode, I learnt not to overreact because of a test.
Matheus Guedes, Plus 4
ReplyDeleteA few years ago my friend Sandra invited me to do an exchange course at Canada for three months. We would have English classes and also enjoy the visit to a new country on our free time.
We had already organized everything whit this agency that my friend had found online, and it took quite some time, because they needed lots of information.
But finally the only thing that there was left to do was an English test. The agency told us that the test would happen in three different dates and I chose the last one because I would be busy in the other ones.
When the day of my test arrived I decided to go a bit earlier, just for precaution. Big mistake. I was driving and listening to some music when this big black truck hit my car. It didn't seem to be anything serious, so the driver gave me his number and I told him that he could go. Only after he was gone I noticed that my car didn't want to start. I had forgotten my wallet at home and my mobile phone ran out of battery, what a bad luck!
Eventually a nice lady gave me a lift, but I had already lost my test. Oe maybe not. When I checked the last date again, it wasn't that day, it was the day before, all this confusion for nothing!
ReplyDeleteWell, it all started when I woke up, already with a bad headache. I got up and went for coffee. Arriving in the kitchen, I saw a note from my mother saying that she had left earlier for a business meeting. I had to go by bus to school.
It wasn't very comfortable, I admit. It was packed ! Already angry, I got off the bus, I fell and twisted my foot. Great. I got up with some difficulty, took a deep breath, and repeat to myself that nothing would disrupt my day. Suddenly even the sky has opened! If I had not fallen in that place, I wouldn't have found a fifty reais on the ground! After that, I went to the room and got the test result that I hadn't studied to do it. Had taken 10 !
Than, I got home and decided to watch television. Then I saw that my mother was on TV, shaking hands with the president and closing million dollar contract. I got crazy ! If all those bad things hadn't happened, maybe none of this could have happened anyway.
Is why I say, every cloud has a silver lining (:
Thaynara said...
Last Saturday I went to the cinema with my mother we went by car, and along the way,when we were arriving at the mall the tire blew.I was furious,but I tried to find someone to help us change the tire.We spent one hour waiting for someone pass on the street,until a man helped us.The man was kind and left us to the mall,because our car went to the workshop.When arrived there,we went to the cinema,because it was already 3:00 and the film would begin 3:10.While my mother bought the tickets I went to buy the popcorn and saw that the movie had started at 3:00 and that in the hurry we just confusing the time.I said this to my mother and she decided that we should go to my cousin's house,because is next of the shopping.I was very angry,but my mother said "Quiet daughter,you're creating a storm in a teacup"!!!I said " No mom,you think after all that happened was for me be happy?" and she said"No,but you should trust me more,because I said yesterday that wasn't for us today we see this film.I learnt with everything that happened,that we should trust more on our mothers.
Arthur José Pereira
In 2006 my cousin Jorge would travell with my uncles and grandmother, but the day of travel my cousin got sinck and his mother decided to not leave him to travell. Two hours later came the news that my uncles and my grandmother had died in a car accident.
Arthur José Pereira.
ReplyDeleteAt the start of this year my parents decided to visit my parents of Anápolis.The fact is that I hate this city because there isn’t anything cool to do and I hate my parents from there because they don’t like us at all to. We arrived there and stayed so long that I thought that it was an eternity. When my parents finally decided to go home I thought: “Just a sweet little ride of two hours to arrive home”. But it was only the beginning of my nightmare. At the middle of the road the engine of my dad’s car stopped working and we had to ask my parent’s from Anápolis to help us get out of there .Because it was to late there weren’t anyone who could fix it and I had to stay at my parent’s house. It was the worst day ever.
Pedro Henrique, plus 4
I created a storm in a teacup
ReplyDeleteThe year before, my friend and I went to the cinema to watch the pre-world premiere of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” movie at midnight. We got there on a wednesday, and the cinema was empty, and we found very strange, because there should be many fans there. So we ask for information, and the cinema manager told us that the premiere of the film had been the day before. That is, I, who was with the tickets, had seen the wrong time, because the preview was from tuesday to wednesday, and not from wednesday to thursday, as I had thought. It happens, that my friend is not the type of person who has a lot of patience, and she get nervous, but we laugh a little of the situation. She discussed with me, and I get nervous to, because I wanted to see the movie at the premiere and that was not fair. We get a lot of time discussing, and we were very upset with what had happened.
The theater manager was very kind to us and said that we could watch the movie on the other day, anytime we wanted. He signed our tickets and we returned the next day afternoon. It was not the same as watching the movie at the premiere, but we enjoy the movie.
In the end, not only me, but my friend to, made a storm in a teacup, discussing for nothing and we were fortunate to watch the movie on the other day with the same tickets.
Marcella, plus 4.
Every cloud has a silver lining
ReplyDeletein january of 2011, me and my family went to Natal. When we got there, the taxi driver didn't knew the hotel adress, so we spent a lot of time in the taxi, it was very sunny and hot, but after a hour we found the hotel. When got into the hotel, it was a mess, the room was upside down. Later the manager gave us another room, It was horrible as the other room but we had to stay there for at least one night. but in the end we've found another hotel, and it was a good one, and we've stayed there for the rest of my vacation
I study in sigma and last year a friend of my was very nervous about a math test. "SHE WAS ALL A STORM IN A TEACUP". This situation happened last year on finals tests time, every body was so crazy and absoulutely nervous, normal for the situation but my class friend was the craziest student of the school. She told me that the subjects were more difficult tham normal and maths was impossiple to learn, she was certanly that she wouldn`t get a good grade, for my surprise she got 9.6 on the maths text and was so good in the oders,however she cried and had a nervous sittuation in the midle of the text she was the best of the class
ReplyDeleteI was all a storm in a teacup.
ReplyDeleteLast year,I asked my mother if she could buy a new released phone for me. Ok,she gave me, but after a month, I lost that. My mom started to screaming with me, she said that would never give me another one and we were discussing a lot of time.She created a storm in a teacup.
After that she relaxed and in the other week she gave me a better another one.
"It never rains but it pours"
ReplyDeleteAbout one year ago my parents and I we were going to Porto Seguro to spend our vacations but when we were reaching our location the van broked and we stayed in the road for five hours and worse when we went to a city the hotel we've got didnt have an air-conditiornar.
We stayed three days travelling and one weak in Porto this was the worst vacation in my life. We've learned a lesson that we can never have a long trip with an old car.
Some months ago I was going to my cousin´s house when my friend called me. She was very sad and crying. When I answered to the phone she started a non-stop talking, but I couldn´t understand what she was saying, so I asked her to calm down and to start again from the begining but this time slowly. After she had told me the hole story, I couldn´t think of something to say, because the situation was really hard: her parents were givin up thei´re marriage. I think she decided to call me because my parent are divorced, but it doesn´t mean that I know how to semble who´s parent are divorcing! And then I remembered that every cloud has a silver lining: who has divorced parents win two birthday and christmas presents, travel two times on vacation and have two houses. So I said that to her, but she didn´t like. She sad that I am a very cold-hearted person and stoped to talk to me forever. She really did a storm in a teacup, I was trying to help!
ReplyDelete"It's all a storm in a teacup"
ReplyDeleteIt happened last year. I started a new circle of friends with 2 classmates, some young students of my school and 2 friends of cultura (Renata e Gabriela, HAHAHAHA). We gave a name for this circle: Brown (because we always stay in a brown building). Well, one day we were seeing a film at Claudinha's house. everything was ok. But in the next day... the women part had a "women talk" about a friend of mine (Morgado) and his "relationship" with Sophia. After that, other things came to the conversation, and all the friends got hurt. luckly, after some months, we started to talk each other again, Morgado started a real relationship with sophia. Everybody get ok with each other, and today we're best friends!! this idiom is appropriate because everything could be solved just talking everybody together
ReplyDeleteLast month I was at school attending a chemistry class when the teacher start to feel very sick, he said his eyes were hurting so bad and his tongue was swealing and because of that he couldn't talk.So he left the room and went to hospital. Everybody was terrified! Then we discoverd that the teacher had an allergic reacion from something that he ate. Pour teacher! That day was his bithday and nobody remmember it, even his wife, because she was in África working as a voluntier. And in the end of the day, when he was going home, he got stuck in traffic! I can't imagine a worse day!
ReplyDeleteAt the start oh the year me and my family travelled to São Paulo. When we went to the hotel to do the check-in we realised that the reservations were for the previous month and the receptionist told us that there weren't any empty room, so we had to look for another hotel. We only found a hotel to stay in the end of the day. The hotel was horrible,in the room was incredibly hot and wer couldn't use the air conditioner because it was broken. After having a terrible night of sleep, I realised that I have forgotten my bag with all my money in the first hotel that we went. My parents got really angry with me. As if it wasn't enough when we were coming back to Brasilia our flight was cancelled and we only got another flight 15 hours later. That was the worst trip I had.
ReplyDeleteAt the start of the year me and my family travelled to São Paulo. When we went to the hotel to do the check-in we realised that the reservations were for the previous month and the receptionist told us that there weren't any empty room, so we had to look for another hotel. We only found a hotel to stay in the end of the day. The hotel was horrible,the room was incredibly hot and we couldn't use the air conditioner because it was broken. After having a terrible night of sleep, I realised that I have forgotten my bag with all my money in the first hotel that we went. My parents got really angry with me. As if it wasn't enough, when we were coming back to Brasilia our flight was cancelled and we only got another flight 15 hours later. That was the worst trip I had.
Storm in a tea cup
ReplyDeleteMy friend was in love, he was very close to the girl that he like, she just became friend of a guy and my friend got realy mad. He was saying that he won't try to date her because she doesn't like him, that she was in love with the guy... I said to him stop with this storm in a tea cup and talk to the girl and open his heart. By the way, how he was thinking she realy likes the guy and they are togheter now, my friend wants to die.