This is an English practice environment
to be used by Teacher Walter Miranda's English students
from the Cultura Inglesa Sudoeste, Brasília-DF/Brazil.
Leave your comments and read your friends'. Have Fun!!!

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Conv Master - Educational Background

Write a short summary of your educational background.
Try to metion as many steps as possibles
(tips.: elementary school, high school,
college graduation, post-graduation, etc)


  1. I studied my elementary school in a small city. Nothing in special.The high school I continuing studing in other small city, that causes a great surprise when I change to a big city in the middle of the course. This changed makes me a little confuse among people that cames from a lot of parts of the country. But it takes me some mounths to be adapted. In the college, I changed the city again! Studing in different cities, with differents people in different schools makes me feel a cosmopolitan student and, today, I appreciate very much that experience.But to do a pos graduation course I changed the country and them the experience got another dimention, due to the fact that I studied with international people. Resuming, my experience school could be resumided as experiencie of life and a interesting knowledge about cultures.

    Edson Fogaça

  2. It was a long way to reach the University. Years of elementary school and high school in four different schools to prepare myself to the dificult tests I had to face in order to enter Law College in the chosen University. It was very hard-working, but, still, worthwhile! However, nowadays, it doesn´t seem to be enough in the work market, so post-graduations are the new challenge everyone has to face short after getting the University diploma. And that´s my next goal!

  3. I start study in my birthplace (a small city at countryside of Rio Grande do Sul) and when I was 10 years old my father was transfer to Brasília. Here I was shoked because evething was different and for me enourmous.It's a dificult begun, the school wasn't a good school and I was transfer to another whose I continued until the end of elementary. So we moved for another "quadra", because my father waas graduate at the arm. So I had done my hight school, my graduation and my specialization at the same school.


  4. I start my studies with the age of five years old in a private pre-school in BH/MG where I had my basic reading, writing and arithmetic knowledge. When I moved to a public school I skeeped the first year because I had had my literacy, so, at the age of seven years old I was doing the second year in a public infant school where I finished this degree.
    With my ten years old I did the exams to get the admittance in a private secondary school. I stayed there for 2 years and again did exams to be admited in a public school.In this public school I got my graduation in the secondary school.
    As I needed to get a job to help my family, I moved to a private school to do a course that let me get one fast. I did the teaching thecnical and started working during the second year of the course.
    As soon as I had finished my teaching thecnical course I decided to visit my brother hear in Brasília and the destiny prepared me a surprise. I suffered a bus accident and needed to stay in Brasília for at least for 3 months to recover from my injuries. During this time I decided to do the exams to be admited in a high school. I did psychology in CEUB but unfortunately I never finished the course because the earn, with the job I had, didn't allow me to pay the course. I regret not having finished the university but fortunatelly it was not an impeirment to get a good job. It was possible because I tried to be self-learner in my studies.


  5. My first year at school was in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso. I actually entered my first pre-school course one year earlier than recommended at the time. The thing is that my sister, one and a half year older than me, was already attending school and I did not want to stay at home without her. So I begged my mother to let me go too. Looking back, this might seem unbelieveble to me, but go figure a child's mind.
    After two years in Campo Grande, we moved to Rio de Janeiro where I coursed the second grade at elementary school. I have a vague memory of that time at Escola Guanabara, when I first began to study with my sister, in the same class actually.
    The next year we moved to Brasília, where I've been living until now. The funny thing is that, from the second year at elementary school until university time, my sister and I have always studied together.
    We both coursed from third to eighth year of what was called Primeiro Grau at Maria Auxiliadora. Than we attended the two first high school years at La Salle and the last one at Leonardo da Vince.
    Next step, college graduation. My sister lived with me at that time. Well, there were we again: same institution, same course, same subjects. Studying Letras at Universidade de Brasília, we took together as many classes as possible and ended up getting our graduation degree at the same time.
    Years later we both had our post-graduation studies at Ceub, but whe started one semester before me.
    That's all for now.


  6. Studying has been a long journey in my life. Everybody has a lot of good and bad memories of school time and the most of us, usually, keep some good friends from the classrooms. In my case is not different, I had wonderful and awful experiences in schools and great part of my friendships started at this time.
    I always studied in Brasilia. I did the elementary school in the public system, in a time when this system was very good and resourcefull, what is very different from today. The whole high school I did in the same place, a private stablishment.
    The great shock for me was the entrance in the university. I graduated in Computing Science at UnB and the environment was totally new. Maybe I wasn't mature enough to understand how it worked. In the college the students are totally free to decide what they want to do, and sometimes I felt I little lost in my options. At the end it was incredible and now I know the importance of this.
