This is an English practice environment
to be used by Teacher Walter Miranda's English students
from the Cultura Inglesa Sudoeste, Brasília-DF/Brazil.
Leave your comments and read your friends'. Have Fun!!!

Thursday 25 March 2010

CULTURA EXPRESS 5 - Your Own Business

Imagine you're going to open your own business.
Write a short description of this enterprise.

Take these questions into account:
What is the product/service going to be?
What is the company going to be like?
Which strategies are you going to use to sell?
How is the company going to be divided?
How many employees will you have?
What will each one do? Who will they be?
How much money will you need?
What do you expect from this company?


  1. hello Teacher!

    this isn't the composition, I have a doute, in the sentence: " A mystery is something that cannot be explained." When we use can, the negative form is can't, Why in this sentece was used cannot.


  2. I have a dream: open a business when I will go to retire. It's near to happen because I need to work more five years.
    I imagine a business that I will be able to help the poor people and the environment. I would like to create a recycling cooperative and our product will be sell to industries.
    I know that there isn't collection garbage to recycling in many cities of Brazil , then I will go to this place. First, I will try to financial aid to buy equipaments and to rent a place. After that, I will search my partners for new enterprise. Finding this people, I will pay a course about importants subjects to our business ( environment, preservation, recycling, ...). I think that this cooperative will create twenty employments, maybe a bit more.
    I will pay a salary everybody, but, after to pay financial off, the profit will be divide equal for us, I and my partners. Because I don't need a salary, I will be retired. My part of profit always will be used for news projects.
    My wish is to be able to do something to preserve the environment.(Dalva Fajardo)

  3. Dear Teacher
    If I can have my own business, I would like to open something in the Information Technology area. I have worked in this area since 1996. My products would be computers, mobiles, processors, memories all would be the edge of Technology. It could be a computer shop. About marketing, I would release my products on TV, on radio and mainly on internet because I could reach my futures costumers easily. I think the best place to open that kind of shop is Sudoeste area. I mean I have never seen a big computer shop in that local. There are many small business but never a big one. This shop would have sale, marketing and purchase area. The skill of my employees includes knowledge in technology area and persistence to sell. About investment, I would have to have about U$150,000.00 in the first yaer. However everybody knows it is very difficult you recover invested amount in the first year. That is a dream but who knows…
    Paulo Henrique

  4. My own small business: a car wash in a shopping. While the clients enjoy the shops and the restaurants, the company cares theirs automobiles.
    Strategies to increase the profit: make covenants with others establishments; make publicity into the shopping; offer parking free for clients (maximum – 2 hours).
    The business will be organized in two areas (principal and secondary). The first is going to do the service of cleaning cars. The second will sell products for automobiles (examples: carpets, stamps …).
    My establishment will need three employees plus a manager. The workers are going to wash the cars. The manager will inspect the quality of the cleaning, control the cashier and speak with the clients. In the beginning, I´m going to do this function.
    At least, I´ll need R$ 50.000,00 to open the company. Per month, going to be necessary, in average, R$ 7.000,00 for rental, salaries, products, taxes and others outcomes.
    I think that, in one year, the money invested to open the company will return. At last, I expect that the profit, after the first year, will get more than R$ 10.000,00 per month.

    Cristian (Interlink 5 - 08286951)

  5. Sometimes I think about have my own business. I want to have a gallery of art. I’ll need a place, clear and lightly, with white walls. I’ll rent a store in a good place and I will invite some artists to leave paints and sculptures in the gallery. I’ll need two employees every day in the gallery for the sales. I’ll pay them a salary and part of profit. And I’ll need another employee to clean the gallery, the restroom, the pains and the sculptures. I’ll pay the artists only after sale, and the gallery with take 30% of the sales. I will have a book of paints and sculptures of the artists and I’ll make a site in internet with photos of the paints and sculptures. I’ll need to know someone for marketing in newspaper and magazines. I’ll assign 10% of profit for marketing.
    I think I’ll need R$ 10.000,00 per month for rent, salaries, marketing, etc.
    I’ll work in the gallery only in the morning, because in the afternoon, I’ll visit the artists. I’ll visit too some architects and show them the book of artists. Maybe they sell something to put in the new buildings.
    Sometimes I’ll make expositions with cocktail and invite the customers.
    I hope to sell a lot of paints and sculptures, to make famous a lot of artists, and win a lot of money. Ana Pimentel

  6. Dear teacher,

    One day I will open my own business. I think it is will be a feminine shoe store created by myself. The name will be Wish Shoes. As well shoes are the wish of every woman. It is will in Sudoeste and will have four trained saleswoman. The shoes it is going to be like very classic and comfortable to a woman who knows the importance that a shoe has. And I will be the manager. At the beginning, some action of sale I will have to do direct marketing to make my store known to the woman who attend the region with flyers. I will need about US$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand dollars) to open my store. I expect to grow up and open more stores in other places.

    By Daniella Almeida

  7. My new plan is open a coffeehouse, but not here in Brasília, where already has lots of that. I´ll start this new business in Ceres, a small, but developed city in Goiás.
    I´ll need to take a loan at the bank, but I´m studying how many it´ll be. I´ll rent a small place and decorate it to create a charming and comfortable place where people will spend great times. The menu will be assorted, since the traditional´s coffees, until modern drinks made with coffee and chocolate. To eat, some salty and sweet snacks, nothing so much heavy.
    But before open my coffeehouse, I want to do a finance and a barista course, so I´ll be able to train and supervise my employers. (Lara de Melo)

  8. Marcos Vinicius15 April 2010 at 20:20

    "Have bad companies but do not be alone"

    My company develops websites. I am the manager of the company. I don´t work alone however i do everything. I am a system analist and employment three developers. My team developed a personal relationship site. My clients are lonely people. I have a modern equipments. I advertise on the internet. My income is with ads and pop-ups. My profit is very good e my employees have good wages. However, the competition is great. I like what i do.
    What you waiting for? Visit

  9. Dear teacher,

    I'm a journalist and work in a newspaper every day. I have a lot of things to do and I have a little time to rest and take care my husband, cat and home. Well, If I could, I'd like to open a small bar in a center mall or a supermarket. I'd like to sell bier and snacks for adults who want to drink a very nice and freezing beer. The place would be small, with desks and chairs and simple food. To open it, I would need about US$ 25.000 and three employed to help. I hope to divide this work with my husband! Will you want to go to my store, in future? (Gisela Cabral)

  10. Hello teacher!

    Open my own business,it isn´t nothing easy. I will open a tourism agency.I'll use to sell:to open one page in internet, I'm going do marketing of my agency in television,radio,newspapers and others forms of comunication.
    my agency is going divided in four departments:public relations,reception to clients,marketing and sell package. I will have six employees, two people work in reception, one person will work in telephonist and three people that will sell the packages. I will need 72.000 reais to open my agency.The place will to be lively.I hope what my agency able to serve all people what to enjoy to travell.


  11. If I open my own business now it will be a restaurant. But not a simple restaurant I would like to open a fancy and expensive one. It will be a small restaurant, whose capacity won’t exceed thirty seats. I will hide an architect to decorate and to turn the place comfortable, pleasurable and beautiful.
    We will have a wine cellar with a small collection of the best wines in the world.
    I really like cooking but at my restaurant I will be the manager. I will hide a “chef de cuisine”, who more than cook will supervise their six demicooks, will help me to choose the recipes and we will make the menu.
    I will hide three waiters, who will do before some courses to learn what a good restaurant service is. I will pay too an intensive course of English.
    To promote my restaurant I will invite to the inauguration the traditional families of Brasília.
    Unfortunately I don’t have enough money to open anything like that, because I thing it will be necessary about $500,000.00.
    Never mind,in my dream it will be such a success, won’t it?
    (Andressa B. Santin - 2a e 4a)

  12. If I can open my own business, I would like to open a clothe store.It would be speciality in feminine clothes for babies,chidren, adolescents,adults and old people.It would be a very big and organised store,with many salesclerks,mirrors and a perfect serve.
    The salesclerks will do laguages courses and more other small course of psicology(to learn whow to understand the customer).
    I don't know how much money I would use,but I think that $700.000 is the suficient.
    I would open in Park Shopping and for the inauguration I wouls invite famous people.

    Lorena Lima

  13. In my company, I’ll serve natural juices, using the fruits from mainly the Cerrado. I’ll stay on the Sarah Kubitschek’s Park. The local is appropriate because many peoples going there to do exercises every day, mainly on the weekend, when the motion increases. I think, on the begin, I’ll have just one employ, and if the sells are good, I’ll put another employees. The employ will make the juices with me. The money I’ll need is about twenty thousand Reais. And I expect be rich in few moments.

    Fábio Roedel Kohler

  14. In my company, I’ll serve natural juices, using the fruits from mainly the Cerrado. I’ll stay on the Sarah Kubitschek’s Park. The local is appropriate because many peoples going there to do exercises every day, mainly on the weekend, when the motion increases. I think, on the begin, I’ll have just one employ, and if the sells are good, I’ll put another employees. The employ will make the juices with me. The money I’ll need is about twenty thousand Reais. And I expect be rich in few moments.

    Fábio Roedel Kohler

  15. My store will be an sport's store!!!In that i will sell evry tipe of sort's materials!!The store will be in Park Shopping,and the store name's will be D'sportes just one enploy an in th future more stores in all world!!!
    (Davi Dörr)

  16. I’d like open a kind of shop to sell ornamental fishes, aquarium and equipments. Besides to sell the fishes I can install aquariums for that clients whose have bought our products.

    I will have many wonderful aquariums in my shop. People who see these aquariums will fall in love for it. They will want another aquarium like that.

    My company will be divided on business of fishes and business of products/equipments.
    The business of fishes will be compound of animals from the sea and from rivers. I’d like have 5 or 6 employees at the beginning.

    Some of them will be responsible for looking after the fishes, other for the deliveries. I will be the manager so I will be responsible to coordinate all these process.

    I think I will need almost USD 50,000.00 to start the business.
    I expect can possible harmonize my passion for the animals like fishes with a profitable business. Then I won’t work, I will make what I really like.

    Rodrigo Galli

  17. Dear Manager Bank,
    I’m taking this loan to introduce in this city a new and unusual service that will innovate the way of life’s dog. Thus the owner of dogs will work safe, because our company will take care of the little dogs during the day.
    We will get marketing on television and radios of Brasília to sell this new service, explaining what we can do for the pets when the people are at work.
    We will divide our company in back office and front office. The back office will take care of the accountability, taxes, law and so on. The front office will attend the customers and take care of the dogs, playing, cleaning, running and walking with its.
    For this, we will employee 20 (twenty) people, among accountants, lawyers, clerks and so on to work in our company.
    I expect to earn R$ 20.000,00 (twenty thousands reais) by mounth, so I can pay for the bank loan, including the interests.
    Well, I need to borrow R$ 100.000,00 (hundred thousands reais) and I can pay for this in 10 (ten) years.
    Best regards,
    Ériton Rozendo.
