This is an English practice environment
to be used by Teacher Walter Miranda's English students
from the Cultura Inglesa Sudoeste, Brasília-DF/Brazil.
Leave your comments and read your friends'. Have Fun!!!

Monday 12 September 2011

FCE - Writing Task: a letter to a friend

You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend.

.............Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month.

I'm not sure how to get to your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me some basic instructions? What would be the best method of transport for me? I'd prefer one that isn't too expensive!
Just one other thing - what will the weather be like when I get there? (Just so I'll know what clothes to pack!) .........

Write your letter of reply to your friend (around 120-180 words).

FCE - Writing Task: a letter of application

You have seen the following job advertisement in your local youth centre.

(Weekends only)
  • Would you like to work with young children aged 5-11?
  • Do you have lots of energy?
  • Are you an excellent swimmer?
If the answer to these questions is 'yes' then we want to hear from you. Our Children's Club is looking for someone to be in charge of a group of 10 children to teach them swimming and to do a range of other activities. Please send a letter to Mrs Sykes saying why you are suitable for the job.

Write your letter of application to Mrs Sykes. (around 120-180 words)

FCE - Writing Task: a story

You have been asked to write a story for your school or college magazine beginning with the words:
"The doorbell rang. When I opened the door imagine my surprise..."

Write your story for the magazine. (around 120-180 words)
What you need to do to pass
Use our checklist first to understand what the examiner wants you to do.
Ideas for writingAsk yourself the following questions to help you get started:
  • Who or what was outside the door?
  • What did he/she/it look like?
  • Why did you feel surprised?
  • What did you say or do next?
  • What is the conclusion or explanation?
Drafting and proofreading your work
You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:
  • Have you completed the story including the words? Give the story a title.
  • Is your story told in a clear and logical way?
  • Is the language correct with a good range of structures?
  • Will the reader enjoy reading your story?
  • Is the style OK?
If the answer to any of these questions is 'no' you will need to do some more drafting!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Day 20 (30 Jul 11)

A caminho de Windsor.
Nosso último dia na Europa.

Windson, cidade da realeza britânica.

Castelo de Windsor, lar da família real.
Última fotinha antes de retornamos para o Brasil.

Day 19 (29 Jul 11)

Na entrada do Museu do Louvre.

Vista da Igreja de Sacre Coeur em Paris.

Grupo se preparando para subir a escadaria de Mont Martre.

Igreja de Sacre Coeur.

Último dia de Cult Fun. Já tá batendo saudades!

Vista externa do Moulin Rouge.

Day 18 (28 Jul 11)

Chegada ao Palácio de Versailles.

Líderes de Grupo com os alunos no Palácio de Versailles.

Alunos explorando as instalações do Palácio de Versailles.

Sala de Espelhos do Palácio de Versailles.

Jardins do Palácio de Versailles.

Passada pelo túnel onde morreu a Princesa Diana.

Visita a Catedral de Notre Dame.

Esplêndido Interior da Catedral de Notre Dame.

Alimentando os pássaros na Praça de Notre Dame.

Catedral de Notre Dame, Paris.

Parada para almoço no Quartir Latin.

Casa de Opera de Paris.

Compras nas Galeries Lafayettes.

Galeries Lafayette, Paris.

Day 17 (27 Jul 11)

Na estação de Marne Le Valée, em frente a EuroDisney.

Prontos para um dia cheio de diversão na Euro Disney.

Líderes de Grupo coordenando a garotada na EuroDisney.

Disneyland Park, Paris.

Disneyland, Main Street, Paris.

Em frente ao Disney Studios.

Day 15 (25 Jul 11)

Na praça Dam Square em Amsterdam, após visita ao Museu Van Gogh.


Passeando pelas ruas de Amsterdam!

Chegada em Paris.
Arco do Triunfo ao fundo!

Passeio de balsa pelo Rio Sena em Paris, França.

Visões estonteantes da cidade de Paris.

Visão da Catedral de Notre Dame de dentro da balsa.

Momento de interação entre grupos.

Prontos para subir da Tour Eiffel.

Tour Eiffel, Paris, França.

Day 14 (24 Jul 11)

Despedida de Brussels em frente ao monumeto Atomium.
Prontos para uma jornada de 7 horas de viagem.

Chegada, já à noite em Amsterdam.
Passeio de barco pelo River Amstel.

Visão da cidade de Amsterdam, dentro do River Boat Cruise.

Visão da cidade de Amsterdam, dentro do River Boat Cruise.

Day 13 (23 Jul 11)

Cult Fun começa!
Dentro da Ferry Boat saindo do Reino Unido em direção ao Porto de Calais.

Alimentando pássaros na Ferry Boat.

Na cidade de Bruges, na Bélgica, recebendo instruções de guia local.

Ponte histórica da cidade de Bruges, Bélgica.

Visão do Rio Dijver em Bruges.

Chegada em Brussels (Bruxelas), ainda na Bélgica.

Praça Grand Place em Brussels, Belgium.
Uma das praças mais famosas do mundo.

Uma pausa para compras de chocolates em Brussels.