This is an English practice environment
to be used by Teacher Walter Miranda's English students
from the Cultura Inglesa Sudoeste, Brasília-DF/Brazil.
Leave your comments and read your friends'. Have Fun!!!

Saturday 28 August 2010

CAE - Formal Letters

An international TV company is planning to make
a series of programmaes, in English,
about issues of interest to young people around the world.
Could you help to present it: If so, write and tell us

* which three issues you think we should include, and why
* why we should choose you to present the series.

Write your letter of application

1 comment:

  1. To the Editor of the TV Company

    I have heard about the project of programs directed to young people which your TV Company is creating. I think that I, as a young person, could help with it. I have observed that a great part of the teenagers wants to see more cultural related issues. It would be innovative and successful to make programs about cinema, music, theatre and literature. The programs could present some great artists, new and old ones. Your company is planning to transmit it worldwide, so, it would be important to create programs presenting artists and spectacles from the whole World. I would also recommend a web transmission. The new generation passes more time in front of a computer than in the Television.
    If you accept my ideas, I think I would also be the right person to present one of the programs, perhaps the Brazilian version. I, as a great admirer of all kind of culture, would enjoy the work and interact with the audience very well. I domain the English language and could speak to the youth with no difficult.
    In my opinion, the television today is suffering a lack of culture. For me, the best form to recover it is transmitting this kind of programs to the young generation. It would be good for the audience, and, consequently, for the image of your TV Company. For this reasons, I believe that we can be partners in this new kind of television making.
    Yours Faithfully,
    Luis Cristovao.
