This is an English practice environment
to be used by Teacher Walter Miranda's English students
from the Cultura Inglesa Sudoeste, Brasília-DF/Brazil.
Leave your comments and read your friends'. Have Fun!!!

Saturday, 28 August 2010

CAE - Formal Letters

An international TV company is planning to make
a series of programmaes, in English,
about issues of interest to young people around the world.
Could you help to present it: If so, write and tell us

* which three issues you think we should include, and why
* why we should choose you to present the series.

Write your letter of application

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Express Master 3 - Let's talk about love...

Do you believe in LOVE?
I guess, in a way or another, everybody does...
So... Tell us the story of how you met your partner!
If you don't have a partner or you're to shy to talk about yourself,
tell us the story of how your parents met.

Looking for a partner?
Here are some tips on how to
behave properly on your fisrt date.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Basic 4 - Describing objects

Look at the object below
and answer the following questions:

1) What is it?
2) What is it made of?
3) What colour is it?
4) What shape is it?
5) What is it used for?

Basic 4 - Describing People

Look at Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
and answer the questions below:

1) What is Angelina wearing?
2) What does she look like?
3) In your opinion, what is she like?
4) What is Brad wearing?
5) What does he look like?
6) In your opinion, what is he like?
7) What do they like doing in their freetime? 

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Plus 3 - Telling Lies

Write about a "white lie" you've told someone.
Mention the reason why you lied.
Should you really have done so?

Plus 3 - The Best Party

Write about the best party you've ever been to.
Describe it in as much details as you can: 
food and drinks, music, people, etc.