I'm in... I've been here... Things I've done:... Places I've visited... What I did yesterday:... What I've eaten... Things I've eaten:... Advide for people who go there:... When I'm coming home:...
1. How long have you had your English Book? 2. How long have you lived in this city? 3. How long have you studied at the same school? 4. How long have you studied English? 5. How long have you known your English Teacher? 6. How long have you lived in the same house/apartment? 7. How long have you had your pet? If you have one, of course.
Answer the questions below. Be as creative as possible!
1. What time would you wake up if today was Saturday? 2. If you had a new pet, what would it be? 3. Would you study harder, if you got a zero? 4. If you had a lot of money, where would you like to live? 5. If you saw a famous person, what would you do? 6. If you could be a different person for a day, who would you be? 7. What would you change on you, if you could change anything?
CLSW 301 Bloco C
Edifício Dakota Shopping
Sudoeste - Brasília/DF
Fone: (61) 3551-9005
Almoço Self Service 2º a Sábado 11:30hs
Happyhour 4º a Sábado 18 as 24Hs
Almoço Domingo A la cart 12hs